Coming Back
11-19-19 Well, I'm back. Had a nasty bought of pneumonia during the month of October which kept me down for the count. Obviously, my art making virtually ceased for that time. I was able to work on small collages and drawings when my strength gained but for the most part, I had to lay pretty low. What hit me during this time was just how much I depend on my art practice for my stability and joy. My time in the studio grounds me and keeps me focused on not just art making, but allows me the space I need to contemplate what is truly important in my life. I realized just how much contentment I derive from making art. It also gave me an appreciation of health and how fast it can be lost. The pneumonia hit me overnight. I've never been this sick before. Being bedridden, not able to do for myself, gave me such gratitude for when I am healthy. It also gave me an appreciation for my family and friends who helped me through it....