6-10-19 “Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist…" Rene Magritte Le Retour 1940 Rene Magritte “Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist…" Rene Magritte I love this quote from Rene Magritte for it encompasses the essence of art - it's mystery and how appropriate it is for us as humans. Human beings intrinsically create. We must, it is a part of our nature, from the greatest works of art to the advances of science and medicine. We create. We've discovered macro and micro worlds on this planet and in space. And within it all, we, on this earth, among the vastness of space and the wonders of our world, discovered that the universe contains the such immense mysteries, things we can and cannot explain. Mysteries that go beyond our initial comprehension. Our existence, coupled with such wonders leads us to create, to express such things. Art in itself, expresses...