Artist Residency Part 3
7-24-19 Well, the alumni artist residency is wrapping up and it's been wonderful. I've enjoyed getting to know the students and faculty of Azusa Pacific University. It's been a time of rich discussions, renewing friendships and beginning new ones, and deep fellowship. It's been a time of creativity and production for me as well. I've been exploring both new and old materials and ways of working. Indie Yarn with Thai Bird's Nest Paper - In Process I've discovered Indie yarn. It's wonderful! I'm currently working with it sewing it into Thai Bird's Nest Paper. The work is so new I'm not sure what I'm doing with it yet. All I know is that I needed to sew it into the paper. I'm planning on painting it but need to sit with it before I do so. Sometimes, I just need to piece to speak to me to tell me what to do with it. This is one of those pieces. I trust the process, the intuition, and the materials to d...